
본 화상영어는은 업계 최고의 노하우만을 연구하고
개발한, 가장 진보되고, 창의적인 교육 시스템 연구기관 입니다.

제 목 2021.6.21homework
교정강사 Niah(C)
등록일 2021-06-24
작성글 A.When do they go back to school?

When do she go hospital?

When do he go mountain?

B. yalmi Becare ful


oh oh

A.When do they go back to school? (Correct)


 When do she go hospital? --> When does she go to the hospital?


When do he go mountain? --> When does he go to the mountain?

=> Corrected: The sentences are corrected grammatically.



B.  yalmi Becare ful --> Yalmi, watch out! There's a big bee on your nose.


ahch! --> Ah- choo!


 oh oh --> Bless you!

=> Corrected: The sentences are corrected grammatically.​​
