
본 화상영어는은 업계 최고의 노하우만을 연구하고
개발한, 가장 진보되고, 창의적인 교육 시스템 연구기관 입니다.

제 목 Today's homework(9/27)
교정강사 Enya(C)
등록일 2021-09-27
A. Do you think foreign language study should start as early as possible, or is it okay to start later?
I've been studying Englsih for 7 years except student period. but I hardly get fluent English speaking. Because The days which can get other language easily was gone to me. so it would be better study early as faster as someone can.

B. Make these sentences into English.
-일요일에 문을 여나요?
Are you open on sunday?
-고급스런 식당인가요?
Is it a luxurious restaurant?
-4인석을 예약하고 싶습니다.
I'd like to make a reservation for 4 seats.


A. Do you think foreign language study should start as early as possible, or is it okay to start later?

I've been studying Englsih for 7 years except student period. but I hardly get fluent English speaking. Because The days which can get other language easily was gone to me. so it would be better study early as faster as someone can. 


I've been studying English for 7 years but I didn't study English when I was in school, but I am not fluent in speaking English. I regret not studying English early.​ So,  it's  better to study as early as possible. 


B. Make these sentences into English.


-일요일에 문을 여나요?

Are you open on sunday?

CORRECTION:  Are they open on Sundays?

-고급스런 식당인가요?

Is it a luxurious restaurant?

CORRECTION: Is the restaurant exclusive?

-4인석을 예약하고 싶습니다.

I'd like to make a reservation for 4 seats.

CORRECTION: I'd like to reserve a table for a party of four.

