
본 화상영어는은 업계 최고의 노하우만을 연구하고
개발한, 가장 진보되고, 창의적인 교육 시스템 연구기관 입니다.

제 목 Homework
교정강사 Colleen(C)
등록일 2021-11-02
작성글 A. Why Cindy and Terry can't have a puppy?
Because house is very small.
B. Make these sentences into English.

-약간 작아요?
-Slightly small?
-그럼 중간 크기는 어때요?
-About the middle size?
-어머, 예쁘네요.
-oh so pretty.

A. Why Cindy and Terry can't have a puppy?

Because house is very small. 

=> Because their house is very small.


B. Make these sentences into English.



-약간 작아요?

-Slightly small? 

=> A little bit small?

-그럼 중간 크기는 어때요?

-About the middle size?

=> How about a medium-size one?

-어머, 예쁘네요.

-oh so pretty.

=> Oh, you look pretty.

• Corrected : The sentences are corrected grammatically.

