
본 화상영어는은 업계 최고의 노하우만을 연구하고
개발한, 가장 진보되고, 창의적인 교육 시스템 연구기관 입니다.

제 목 11/23jack
교정강사 Erica(C)
등록일 2021-11-23
A. What is your favorite pet?
They are guppies.
B. Make these sentences into English.
-다른 필요한 건 없으세요?
Do you need some more?
-먼저 물 주세요?
Can you give me some water first?
-알겠습니다, 부인.
Yes, Madam.


A. What is your favorite pet?

They are guppies. (puppies)

=> Corrected spelling.


B. Make these sentences into English.


-다른 필요한 없으세요?

Do you need some more? -> Anything else?


-먼저 주세요?

Can you give me some water first? -> Can I get some water, first?


-알겠습니다, 부인.

Yes, Madam. -> Ok, ma'am.


=> Another way: Your sentences are okay and these are other ways of saying them. 
