
본 화상영어는은 업계 최고의 노하우만을 연구하고
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제 목 4/30homework jack
교정강사 Erica(C)
등록일 2021-04-30
A. How much sleep do you usually get?
I`ll usually sleep 9hour 30minutes.
B. Make these sentences into English.
-응, 네가 브래드니? = Oh. Are you a Bread?
-응, 만나서 반가워,심순아. = Yes. Nice to meet you,Siomsoon.
-나도 역시 만나서 반가워, 브래드. = Nice to meet you too,Bread.


 A. How much sleep do you usually get?

I`ll usually sleep for 9hours and 30minutes.


 B. Make these sentences into English.


-, 네가 브래드니? = Oh. Are you a Bread? -> Yes, I am. Are you Brad? => Your sentence has a correct grammatical structure, but this has the correct usage/ expression.

-, 만나서 반가워,심순아. = Yes. Nice to meet you, Siomsoon.


-나도 역시 만나서 반가워, 브래드. = Nice to meet you too, Bread. Brad => Corrected spelling. 
