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제 목 Homework: (11/21/22)
교정강사 Gemma(C)
등록일 2022-11-21
A. Which do you like better: eating at home or eating out? Why?

I like eating out.
Because I can concentrate on the food when I'm in restaurant.
And also, I don't need to clean up the table.

B. [Make these sentences into English]
1. 20달러짜리 지폐를 잔돈으로 바꿔 주시겠어요?4
Can you change twenty dollar bills in to change?

2. 그는 페인트칠과 도배를 했다
He painted and papered wall.

3. 어머니 좀 바꿔 줄래요?
Can you put mom on please?