
본 화상영어는 업계 최고의 노하우만을 연구하고
개발한, 가장 진보되고, 창의적인 교육 시스템 연구기관 입니다.

Name Shanny(D)H
수업과목 Business Administration
경력 7 months
학교 ACBI College
프로필 I am Shannebel Canonigo and I go by the screen name Teacher Shanny. I am a business student. My hobbies are reading and writing. I truly believe that knowledge with application is power. That’s why I feed myself with knowledge every day with the willingness that I could also get to share what I have learned with others. Also, I love expressing my thoughts through writing, it is basically the outlet of my feelings and in this way, I get to be accountable to myself.
Deep in my heart, teaching is something that I really wanted to do. I am really passionate about meeting people and imparting my knowledge to them. It is a joy in my heart to see someone growing in the aspect that you get to be a part of it. Especially now that I can really see the progress of my students, I am really rejoicing with them as I witness their growth throughout the classes we had together. I get to connect with them not just academically but also emotionally. I love how they can be themselves in my class and how transparent they are towards learning the English language.