
본 화상영어는 업계 최고의 노하우만을 연구하고
개발한, 가장 진보되고, 창의적인 교육 시스템 연구기관 입니다.

Name Lindsey(D)H
수업과목 Bachelor of Arts Major in Language and Literature
경력 10 years in ESL Teaching
학교 University of Mindanao
프로필 Hi! I am Teacher Lindsey. I took a Bachelor of Arts major in English language and literature.
I had experienced teaching English to Chinese, Taiwanese,Vietnamese, and Japanese students before,
and now I am teaching Koreans. I have been an ESL teacher for 10 years now.
I handle different types of students and so far I enjoy teaching all of them just
like I enjoy eating my favorite food and doing my hobbies such as learning new stuff , climbing
mountains, eating out and all the fun stuff on earth.

When I teach or train a student or any person or even a dog, I feel like I make the world a better place.
I feel like I am a help and not a burden in society. The feeling is just so nice when
you can impart the knowledge you have learned and it gives you motivation to even learn more or strive harder and smarter to help others better.

For my ESL students, I make the class fun for I know how hard it is to learn new things. I do not want them to be burdened with studying.
I want them to have fun while learning. So I help them bridge the gap in their speaking and help them to properly convey their thoughts and make themselves
understood by others. I teach them grammar by letting them use it without them even realizing it.
I give lots of activities to keep their motivations up. A teacher needs to walk extra mile for their students. Yes, it is very hard.
But it is so rewarding, especially when you see improvements. By doing all efforts to help them grow not just in knowledge
but also in values as well, you are already taking part of making the world a better place. And that is my philosophy in life;

But of course, a philosophy will never be possible without God. He is my core value. I do all things for his glory and honor.

So if you want to learn English, try learning it with me. Let's have fun learning together.

Give it a shot!